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IA|BE : Balance sheet management game

The Balance Sheet Management Game (BSM Game) will take place on the 04/03/2025. It is an interactive game with focus on the policy framework of the CFO and will be organised in cooperation with Mavenblue.


The game will be performed for PrimeInsurance, a fictional life and non-life insurance company, for which different strategies will be investigated in order to improve key metrics such as the solvency and growth of capital.


The participant will play CFO of PrimeInsurance, who is responsible for the risk-return profile of the total balance sheet.


The BSM Game consists of 2 rounds and each round has its own area of interest: round 1 will focus on the asset allocation and interest rate hedge strategies, and round 2 will analyse different pricing strategies, reinsurance and buy-outs.


Based on the taken strategic decisions, PI’s balance sheet will be projected into the future and the impact on different key metrics will be calculated, compared and analysed.

For each round the best performing CFO will be announced and results will be discussed.



13:00 - 13:30: Welcoming of the participants

13:30 - 13:45: Introduction

13:45 - 14:40: Get to know PrimeInsurance

14:40 - 15:05: Round 1: define your strategies for asset allocation and interest rate hedge

15:05 - 15h20: Coffee break

15h20 - 16:00: Round 1: Discussion of results and announcement of best CFO in round 1

16:00 - 16:25: Round 2: Define your strategies for product pricing, reinsurance and buy-outs

16:25 - 16:40: Coffee break

16:40 - 17h20: Round 2: Discussion of results and announcement of best CFO in round 2

17h20 - 17h30: Wrap up

17h30 - 18h30: Cocktail


Inscriptions ICI

Mardi 4 mars 2025
13h00 - 18h30 (GMT +1)
Novotel Brussels City Centre
32, rue de la Vierge Noire
1000 Brussels

Novotel Brussels City Centre

32, rue de la Vierge Noire
1000 Brussels

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Mardi 4 mars 2025
13h00 - 18h30 (GMT +1)
Novotel Brussels City Centre
32, rue de la Vierge Noire
1000 Brussels
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